Prized for its moisturising properties, argan oil is packed with many unexpected benefits.
It is commonly referred to as "Moroccan liquid gold", which is hardly surprising when you consider the many cosmetic benefits of argan oil.
Angélica Alcantara, a naturopath specialising in phytology and aromatology, explains that "it is extracted from the fruit of the argan tree, which grows only in the semi-desert areas of Morocco and south-west Algeria”.
The Benefits of Argan Oil for Men's Faces
Enriched with fatty acids and vitamin E – a natural antioxidant – argan oil has proven moisturising and anti-ageing properties.
"Highly nourishing, it is effective in improving the quality of the skin and protecting it from external stresses such as the sun or pollution," Angélica tells us about argan oil.
In addition to these benefits, argan oil has an anti-inflammatory and repairing effect, "ideal for relieving irritations or other skin inflammations", for example, those caused by the repeated use of a razor.
While argan oil can be applied to any skin type, it is particularly suitable for men's skin, which tends to be more oily than women's. "It acts as a sebum regulator and is non-comedogenic, i.e. it moisturises the skin without clogging the pores," explains Angélica Alcantara. There is, therefore, no risk of seeing the skin of the face becoming clogged or full of impurities and blemishes. Argan oil also plays a preventive role in the appearance of imperfections on the skin. The male epidermis is more prone to acne because of its higher sebum production than that of women.
"Be careful in case of intolerance to nuts, argan oil, especially when used in pure form, could produce an allergic reaction", warns the specialist.

Argan Oil, An Ally for Beard Maintenance
If you have an itchy beard or dry skin, argan oil is a great solution. "It provides comfort and hydration to the skin under the hair and the beard. It becomes brighter and smoother and therefore easier to style," explains Angélica Alcantara.
With just a few drops of the precious product, the beard becomes soft and pleasant to the touch.
Appreciated by bearded men, argan oil is also beneficial for hair growth. Angélica goes on to say that "it has moisturising properties and richness in vitamin E that will strengthen the hair follicle, i.e. the pore in which the hair is formed. The beard will therefore be stronger and healthier”.
And if you want to get rid of ingrown hairs, this miracle oil will prove to be a valuable asset. In addition to moisturising and soothing the skin while allowing it to breathe, its purifying properties reduce the risk of this type of pimple.
Apply the oil to your beard with regular massage to activate microcirculation and facilitate the absorption of the product.

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