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How to Shape a Beard Neckline

How to Shape a Beard Neckline
King C Gillette
King C Gillette2 years ago
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Wondering how to trim your beard neckline or what neck hair trimmer to use? Then read on, as we will uncover how to shape your beard neckline in order to achieve the perfect look.

Your beard neckline is an important part of your look. If it’s covered in stubble or patchy hair growth, or if it’s the only place you have greys, it can draw attention away from the rest of your face and make you look more unkempt than you would like.

If you want your facial hair to look well-groomed, there should be a distinct line between your beard and your neck, and regular trimming or shaving is key.

Beard shaping is important. It doesn’t matter how bushy you want to grow your beard or how much time you’re happy leaving in between shaves, but you should try to get into the habit of trimming your beard neckline regularly.

Here’s our top tips on how to identify your beard neckline, which neck hair trimmer to use and which King C. Gillette products will give you the smartest finish.

How to Define Your Beard Neckline

Before you can trim or shape your beard neckline, you need to know how to find it. You can do this by running your fingers from your Adam’s apple up to the bottom of your ears – look in the mirror while you’re doing this so you can start to become familiar with where you need to shave.

Everywhere that falls below your beard neckline should be clean-shaven if you want to look smart, professional and well-groomed.

Choosing Shaving Products for Your Beard Neckline

Are you getting ingrown hairs on your neck or wondering ‘why is there a rash on my neck’? This sensitive area can be affected by razor bumps causing a rash around the neckline and ingrown hair back of the neck. If you’re looking how to prevent ingrown hairs on neck from shaving, it’s important to make sure you’re using quality products when shaping your beard neckline.

The best neck hair trimmers are designed to shape your beard comfortably and with precision. The King C. Gillette Beard Trimmer brings you the utmost precision for trimming, while the King C. Gillette Neck Razor is specially designed to provide a smooth, comfortable shave over the sensitive skin on your neck, helping you to shave and edge your beard to perfection.

Apply our King C. Gillette Transparent Shave Gel all over the area you’re shaving to hydrate your hairs so they’re less wiry and to moisturise your skin for a smoother razor glide.

Our Top Beard Neckline Tips

Before you start shaving your neck, make sure you’re not trimming your beard neckline too high or too low, as this could end up ruining your whole look – if you shave particularly high and end up with a too-short beard neckline, you might even have to shave off part of your beard and spoil months of careful growing and styling.

We recommend using a trimmer length two levels shorter than what you use on your beard and stick to this all over your neck. It’s always easiest to trim softer hair, so have a shower first.

However, if you’ve had a hot shower, it’s best to splash your face with cold water before you start trimming. This easy step helps to avoid any build-up of excess oil and dirt which can cause friction with your razor, while also reducing your risk of unsightly razor bumps on back of neck.

How to Trim a Beard Neckline

Our recommended technique for trimming your beard neckline is as follows:

  • Start in the centre of your neck at your Adam’s apple and trim every hair below the line you’ve identified as your beard neckline

  • Trim from the centre, taking your razor up towards one ear, being mindful of your jawline as you go

  • Go back to the middle of your neck and trim in the other direction until you’ve removed all of the hair growing beneath your beard neckline

It’ll probably take a bit of practice until you’re fully confident shaving your neck without cutting into your beard, but be patient - the skill will come in time.

If you do accidentally slice into your beard and your facial hair usually grows quickly, just wait a day or two for it to grow back. If your beard growth tends to be much slower or you’ve taken a really obvious slice out of your beard, you might want to think about adopting a whole new facial hair style to keep you looking smart.

How to Shape a Beard Neckline

When it comes to shaping your beard neckline below your ears, you can either choose between a square or rounded finish. Think about your face shape to decide which will look best on you.

Square beard edges will suit a round face shape better, while softer edges will look better if your jawline is naturally more square.

Shape your beard neckline into your chosen style with our neck razor, then refine your look with the versatile, easy-to-use, Braun-powered King C. Gillette Beard Trimmer.

Beard Care for Your Neckline

Are you prone to getting ingrown hair on neck or a rash around neckline? Apply our King C. Gillette Beard Balm to your beard neckline once you’ve removed all of the hair and finish your grooming session by nourishing the rest of your beard with our King C. Gillette Beard Oil to keep it looking well-groomed and in good condition.

It is also important to regularly wash your beard with a beard shampoo such as our King C. Gillette Beard and Face Wash.

How to Maintain a Smart Beard Neckline

The secret to maintaining a smart beard neckline is using a neck hair trimmer regularly. When the hair in this area has grown to 3mm or longer, it’s time to shave it off.

Stick to our recommended technique, practice and take your time, and you’ll soon be confident enough to shape your beard neckline in a matter of minutes. Get more beard styling tips here.

King C Gillette
King C Gillette
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