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When Can You Shave Over a Tattoo?

When Can You Shave Over a Tattoo?
Writer and expert3 months ago
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It's perfectly understandable that you might have questions about shaving and tattoos whether you're considering some new body art or wondering how long you should leave it after being inked before shaving. Many women want to have the same answers at their fingertips, too. So, if you want to ensure your tattoo is a success while safeguarding your skin against potential irritation or damage, read on. Here at Venus, we have all the advice you need with respect to shaving and tattoos!

How Long Do Tattoos Take to Heal?

Typically, tattoos will heal within two to three weeks. Some people may find that their skin has repaired itself in just a fortnight, but you might be one of those individuals who needs to wait longer until the tattoo is fully healed. Listen to the tattoo artist who should offer advice on the particular recovery process for your type of tattoo. They'll provide you with a bandage to help keep it clean. Did you know that freshly tattooed skin will often naturally exfoliate for up to six weeks? That's important to know if you've been asking yourself, “When can I shave after a tattoo?” The answer is you may not need to for a while, at least!

Should You Shave Before a Tattoo?

Yes, this is advisable. If you have hair on the part of the body being inked, then removing it will lead to better results. Even shaving very fine hairs on your lower arm, for example, will be a wise move. If you are shaving for the first time, then read our guide and remember that exfoliation and moisturising your skin are important, especially on body parts unused to contact with razors. Shaving will also help your tattoo to heal, so you'll be able to show it off sooner!

Can You Shave After Getting a Tattoo?

Can you shave over a tattoo that's just been inked? No, you can't. You will need to allow it to heal before you shave the area. As mentioned, it usually takes between two and three weeks for a tattoo to heal fully. After that, use a razor designed for sensitive skin to remove any hair that may have grown back. The Venus Deluxe Smooth Sensitive Razor is a good choice for recently tattooed skin. It benefits from a 360° ribbon of moisture that helps to keep your skin hydrated. This makes it ideal for all your inked skin, of course!

When Can You Shave Over a Tattoo?

Shaving over tattoos is perfectly straightforward and no different from shaving any other part of your body. That being said, shaving over a tattoo should never be attempted until the skin has recovered from the tattooing process. Most tattoos heal within two to three weeks but, sometimes, a six-week recovery period may be needed. To check, run your fingertips back and forth across your tattoo. If you feel any razor bumps, raised areas or scabs on your skin, then your skin needs more recovery time. The tattoo should feel the same as the skin around so wait until the recovery process is complete. It is better to be safe than sorry, after all!

Does Shaving Over a Tattoo Make It Fade?

Featuring SkinCushion™ technology for lubrication and glide, Venus Deluxe Smooth Sensitive Razor Blades are ideal for shaving over tattoos that have healed. Doing so will not cause any of your body art to fade. However, some tattoo fading may occur as the ink penetrates deeper into your skin over time. Certain chemical exfoliants and related hair removal methods can lead to a degree of fading. That's why it is better to stick to shaving with your preferred Venus razor, of course!


What happens if you forget to shave before a tattoo?

You should shave before a tattoo artist gets to work. After all, it is crucial that no hairs are in the way of your inking to obtain a smooth finish. Did you know that unshaved hair could harbour bacteria which might lead to post-tattoo irritation or even an infection? Think of it this way - new tattoos are similar to open wounds in many ways so lessening the risk of infection by shaving helps them to heal properly. It's paramount you don't forget to shave before a tattoo!

How long after a tattoo can I shave?

When can you shave over a tattoo you've just got? We'd advise you to wait at least two weeks before shaving over tattoos that are new. Nevertheless, it is better to be cautious! Waiting for three weeks or even longer to pass so the surface of your skin can fully heal is often desirable. After all, there's no reason to rush, is there?

Can you tattoo over razor bumps?

Razor bumps – as well as nicks and cuts from shaving – will need to heal before your new body art can be produced safely. Therefore, shave carefully soon before you are going to get any new tattoos. This way, you shouldn't impair the tattooing process.

Use plenty of shaving gel to help prevent the incidence of razor bumps!


Writer and expert
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