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Ways to Get Rid of Chin Hair

Ways to Get Rid of Chin Hair
Writer and expert2 months ago
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Here at Venus, we understand that discovering the growth of a few chin hairs where there used to be none can be a cause of concern. Don't worry, though, because women have been removing unwanted facial hair for centuries and, with modern techniques, there are plenty of chin hair removal options to explore. First, however, let's look at why you might have developed some chin hair growth recently.

What Causes Female Chin Hair Growth?

‘Why am I growing hair on my chin as a female’ is a perfectly normal question to ask, especially if you've only ever had peach fuzz – or very fine vellus hairs – on your face before. Typically, the answer is that from puberty onward, increased production of a certain hormone, in this case, androgen can lead to larger hair follicles. Although more pronounced in males, this hormonal effect can lead to more chin hair growth. The natural ageing process, gaining weight or becoming pregnant can lead to more of this hormonal output. It is also something often associated with the menopause. Whatever the cause, it can lead to women seeking the best chin hair removal method for their individual circumstances.

Find the Best Way to Get Rid of Chin Hair For You

1- Dermaplaning

For all types of facial hair removal, not just when you want to get rid of chin hair, dermaplaning is among the most convenient methods. As one of the best ways to get rid of chin hair at home, you need no specialist skills to get salon-like, silky results that will last a long time. Simply cleanse your skin - the Venus Hydrating Face Cleansing Primer is ideal for this - then move a dermaplaning tool over your face with light strokes so the razor exfoliates and removes unwanted hair in one go. The Venus Dermaplaning Razor has been designed for this purpose, offering a Skin Defence Guard to help protect your face. Rehydrate your skin afterwards using our hydration serum and enjoy its glowing look with a chin that's now free from unwanted hairs.

2 - Tweezing

Tweezing means using a pair of tweezers to grab individual chin hairs and pulling them out from their root one by one. Although tweezing chin hair is effective, it takes time and accuracy. It is easy to miss finer hairs, for example, or ones that are only just starting to grow back. If you only need to get rid of a few hairs then tweezing could be a good option, but for faster results consider another option.

3 - Waxing

Waxing chin hair is a service offered by many salons, but hair needs to be over a certain length before wax is able to catch it. In addition, waxing chin hair may not be suitable for people with warts, moles, or other skin blemishes on their chins. In some cases, it can produce uneven results with hair still appearing to the sides of where the waxing strip was applied. Waxing can also cause discomfort as the strip is removed, but overall, it is an effective method at removing those longer hairs.

4- Facial Trimming

Like shaving, facial hair trimming reduces the length of hairs on your face. However, you won't need creams or gels if you use a dedicated trimmer, such as the Venus Mini Hair Remover, part of our dermaplaning range. Use it to touch up your chin hair whenever needed – it can be used on wet or dry skin.

5 - Epilation

Using an epilator is not dissimilar to tweezing chin hair. The difference is that you will have multiple tweezers acting together when you use an electrically powered epilator so you should obtain faster, more even results. This is a technique for chin hair removal women can obtain better and better results with over time. Since epilation means plucking chin hair out from the root, after several treatments, you can see less and less regrowth. Note that the best epilators can catch newer and less noticeable hairs than is possible from waxing.

6 - Depilatory Creams

Depilatory creams are one of the best ways to get rid of chin hair, especially if you don't want to pluck or cut hairs. They work differently, effectively dissolving the structure of hair. Always undertake a patch test on a part of your body other than your face to ensure this chin hair removal method is suited to you. Some people find that it causes irritation or inflamed skin, something you won't want on your chin. Never use a depilatory cream if your skin is already sensitive or broken. Learn more about the choice between shaving or depilatory creams in our useful guide on this particular subject.

7 - Laser

If you are looking for permanent hair removal methods you can use on your chin, then a laser treatment should be considered. Professional laser treatments tend to make use of a single wavelength to target the hair follicles which prevents further regrowth. On the other hand, IPL devices, the type you can use at home, work with a broad-spectrum light. Either way, you may need several treatments until the root of the hair gives up and the follicle produces no further growth.

7 - Electrolysis

For permanent chin hair removal, another good option is electrolysis. This is a method for chin hair removal women use all around the world. With electrolysis, chemicals or heat energy are applied. Then, hair follicles are removed with small electric tweezers. Like laser methods, the number of electrolysis sessions needed to achieve permanent chin hair removal varies from one person to the next. It can be more expensive than some of the at-home chin hair removal techniques, too. In rare cases, electrolysis on chin hair can cause scarring.

If you would like to find out more about chin hair removal you can do yourself, then check out our guide to dermaplaning at home to help you feel more confident with this hair removal process. You can learn more about the benefits of dermaplaning and some debunked dermaplaning myths, too.

Chin Hair Removal FAQs

1- Is dermaplaning an effective method for removing chin hair?

If you have visible facial hair on your chin or the subtle peach fuzz – also known as vellus hair – close to your hairline, then dermaplaning could be the best way to get rid of chin hair from the comfort of your own home. Venus's Facial Hair and Skin range is suited to chin hair removal women can rely on as well as the cheeks, upper lip, forehead and neck areas.

2 - Which products should I use to get rid of chin hair?

Many women find that tweezing chin hair is effective but only for one or two pronounced hairs. If you have more hair that's finer, then consider the use of an epilator or an IPL product. Both tend to offer more permanent chin hair removal results. In addition, the discreet Venus Mini Facial Hair Remover can be used for touching up chin hair on the go. It offers convenient cordless operation and protects the chin from direct contact for complete assurance.

3 - Is it okay to remove chin hair?

Yes, it is okay to deal with the hair on chin females often come across by removing it rather than leaving it in place. When there's thick hair on chin and cheek areas, removing it can lead to greater self-confidence and a smoother appearance. However, this should be balanced against the different options for chin hair removal women have nowadays so that the best method is chosen for the individual concerned. Essentially, you'll want to avoid stubbly regrowth, dryness and skin damage following any chin hair removal session.

Writer and expert
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