The corporate beard, also known as the ‘business beard’, is a smart, subtle-looking beard that allows you to rock stylish facial hair while still showing that you mean business.
A corporate beard requires regular trimming to keep it looking neat and smart, but it’s relatively easy to maintain once you make the Gillette All Purpose Styler and Beard Trimmer part of your regular morning routine. Use it to trim, shave and edge your facial hair whether you’re going into the office or working from home to keep yourself looking your best sharp self at all times.
What is a Corporate Beard?
The corporate beard gets its name due to its suitability for a corporate environment. This beard style is a full coverage beard - one that could be classed as a slightly longer version of designer stubble.
Hollywood actor Ryan Reynolds is often seen sporting a corporate style beard, and it works especially well on oval face shapes.

How to Grow a Corporate Beard
To get a corporate beard, you should let your beard grow across your lower face and allow your moustache to grow across your lower lip. While you’re growing your facial hair out, keep it trimmed and looking as neat as possible using the Gillette All Purpose Styler, which comes with three interchangeable combs, so you can find your ideal length.
Be patient while you let your corporate beard grow - when you have ½ an inch to 1 inch of growth, you’ll be ready to start styling your beard.
If, during this process, you realise you have a slightly patchy beard, you might want to check out our advice on how to fix a patchy beard or find another beard style that works better for you.
How to Style a Corporate Beard
Once you’ve let your facial hair grow to a length that you’re happy with, follow these steps:
Step 1: Trim Your Facial Hair
Start by using the Gillette All Purpose Styler and Beard Trimmer to trim down any longer facial hair - aim for a length of ½ an inch to 1 inch.
We recommend starting off with one of the longer comb lengths and reduce this as you go - remember, you want your corporate beard to be slightly longer than normal beard growth.
Step 2: Apply Shaving Gel
You’ll want a clean shave on the tops of your cheeks and other areas around your corporate beard, but before you start shaving, you need to create a lather with a shaving gel or foam to keep your face protected during shaving and the finish as smooth and as smart possible.
Step 3: Create Neat Edges
Next, edge your beard by cleanly shaving the areas around your corporate beard using the Gillette ProGlide Blade that comes with your Gillette Styler, or use our Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive Razor, which is designed for men with sensitive skin.
Always shave with the grain (in the same direction that your hair grows) to help prevent razor bumps, which could take attention away from your smart corporate beard. Remember to rinse your razor blade after every few strokes to prevent a build-up of hair and shaving cream.
Step 4: Follow a Post-Shave Routine
Whatever beard style you’re going for, you should always finish up with a post-shave routine. We recommend:
Splash your face with warm water to remove any excess shaving gel or hairs
Follow this up with a splash of cold water
Apply a product like our Gillette Aftershave Moisturiser or Gillette Aftershave Balm to help to keep your skin hydrated and soothed after shaving
Discover more ways to protect your skin after shaving: