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Facial Hair Styles

5 Reasons to Grow a Beard

5 Reasons to Grow a Beard
King C Gillette
King C Gillette3 months ago
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Throughout history, beards have been a staple part of men’s fashion. From the untamed beards of the Dark Ages to the sleek grooming we see today, beards have remained a common and desirable feature.

At Gillette, we take pride in knowing that we’re one of the best at providing men with the grooming tools to style their facial hair with confidence, but we think it’s just as important to understand why we do what we do.

So, we picked up our King C. Gillette Beard trimmers and dusted off our evolution textbooks to dive into the history of why do men have beards and how our tools have helped men’s relationship with facial hair.

Why Do Men Have Beards?

Most men are genetically predisposed to having beards due to a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which promotes the growth of facial and body hair.

Both men and women have hair follicles on their faces, but women have less of the DHT hormone, and their hair follicles are less sensitive to it, meaning a man’s facial hair can grow much longer than a woman’s.

As well as genetic factors, the question of ‘why do men have facial hair’ also has roots in fashion. Beards have been stylish throughout history, and many men simply prefer the shape or look of their faces when their facial hair has grown out.

Why Do Men Grow Beards?

There are several reasons why men grow beards. Some believe that subconscious links that date back to our earliest ancestors encourage beard growth, but aesthetic and personal reasons are why most men would state they grow a beard.

Keep reading to see 5 reasons that answer the question of ‘why do men have beards?’:

1.) The Ancient Roots

Look of a Hunter and Protector | Reasons to Grow a Beard | King C. Gillette

Our ancestors might not have known what DHT was, but what some ancient women thought was that long facial hair made men seem stronger and more attractive. This made men with long beards attractive mates, if only for survival reasons.

These days the perception of beards has changed - and not just because our King C. Gillette beard trimmer and beard comb means they don’t have to reach your knees anymore! While some may argue that there are subconscious links to ancient times, a modern well-groomed beard is a sign of someone who takes good care of themselves and can help boost the confidence and style of an individual.

2.) Beards Keep You Warmer, Sometimes

Beards Keep You Warm Sometimes | Reasons to Grow a Beard | King C. Gillette

People with beards often enjoy claiming that facial hair isn’t just stylish, but an effective way to warm up and protect your face in the colder months.

While that sounds great, there’s sadly a bit more nuance to this ‘beard benefit’. If the temperature is freezing or below, beards can create a surface for icicles to form on – which is as unpleasant as it sounds. Put simply, if you’re a bit chilly in a British winter give a long beard a go, but, if you find yourself in the Arctic or somewhere very cold, try out the stubble look instead.

If the weather does get quite hot though, a long beard can make you even hotter, so consider using our King C. Gillette Beard Care Kits to give yourself a low shave or even a buzz cut to maximise cooling. Our King C. Gillette care kit can help you adapt your facial hair to whatever weather you find yourself in, a perfect balance between style and practicality.

3.) Masters of Disguise

For some men, beard benefits extend beyond fashion statements, and into ways to look good while covering up parts of their face they think are imperfections. A beard can be a spot concealer and fountain of youth all in one.

A thick beard can be a great way to cover spots if you choose to, but it's not necessary to hide them. , Instead, a well-groomed beard could give you a more defined jawline, and help you turn grey hair from a sign of ageing into a fashion statement. A well-nourished beard that makes use of our Beard Care Bundle can even contribute to a more youthful feel and help boost your confidence.

Beards Keep You Looking Young | Reasons to Grow a Beard | King C. Gillette

4.) A Beard Shows Your Character

A well-groomed beard can be a reflection of one’s character; it takes time to grow a beard, focus to style it, and creativity to design it. A beard can be a source of pride if you are willing to display it to the world, and can let people know the kind of person you are without having to say a word. A beard can be a great self-promotional tool.

Another beard benefit is that experimenting with different styles to find one that suits can be a great journey of discovery and teach you something about yourself. Our King C. Gillette Beard Grooming Kit is the perfect tool for this journey and can help you style your facial hair exactly how you wish.

Beard Shows Your Character | Reasons to Grow a Beard | King C. Gillette

5.) Your Beard is Your Canvas

Maintaining a beard is cheaper than buying new clothes or accessorising, yet it does the same thing; it allows you to express your individuality. A talented artist needs their tools, and we are proud to help you hone your style with our King C. Gillette collection.

With a King C. Gillette Trimmer, you can tailor your facial hair to match your mood or style goals. From a handlebar moustache to a full beard – we’ve got you covered. Healthy facial hair is just as important as well-styled hair, and to unlock the best beard benefits it's essential to use good quality products. King C. Gillette Beard Oil and King C. Gillette Face & Stubble Moisturiser help you do just this, by nourishing your beard.


There’s no set reason why a person grows a beard. From aesthetic and trend-led reasons to hiding blemishes and defining your jawline, there are countless reasons why people choose to grow beards and experiment with different styles.

Whatever the reason behind your beard, Gillette is here to help you feel as confident and happy with your style as possible. With the King C. Gillette range, you can feel confident that your beard is being taken care of as well as possible, with trimmers that cater to any style, and products that keep your hair nourished and youthful.

For more information on how to grow a beard that reflects your personality and that you can be proud of, make sure you check out our article on beard styles that help add contrast and dimension to your face:

King C Gillette
King C Gillette
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