Men who like to exercise or get involved in sporting activities will often also enjoy a neatly trimmed pubic hair style nowadays and some may even consider shaving all their pubes. After all, there isn't a taboo about male intimate grooming in anything like the same way as just a decade or so ago.
The good news is that intimate male grooming and enjoying sports go together so you don't need to worry about your performance necessarily being adversely affected by removing your pubic hair.
It is worth remembering that male cyclists will often already be used to shaving their legs while shaving back and chest hair is quite the norm among swimmers. That said, unless you are talking about the world of professional bodybuilding, shaving hasn't historically been associated with male sporting competitiveness until quite recently.
What do you need to know if you want to trim or shave your pubes and enjoy a new styling regime? Read on to find out.
Why Do You Need to Consider Sport in Relation to Intimate Grooming?
Although male intimate grooming and playing sports are compatible with one another, you should always think about how and when you will trim or shave your pubic hair.
There are a number of reasons for this. The primary thing to remember is that trimming your pubes or shaving them off completely should not be immediately followed by an intense workout or training session, let alone a competition. Why? Because you should allow your skin to recover thoroughly before you get hot and sweaty which will put your body's sweat glands under more pressure.
In short, if you rush from body grooming to sport, then you could end up feeling itchy and uncomfortable. What are the main problem areas to avoid?

Chafing is an issue that tends to affect sportsmen more than others largely due to the repetitive nature of their movements. Pubic hair is, in part, a natural way that the body helps to prevent chafing by lowering the build-up of friction. Therefore, trimming your pubes to an intermediate length can cause more friction, not less.
If you find that you're suffering from chafing after trimming your pubes, then consider changing your comb length. The adjustable INTIMATE™ i3 and i5 trimmers by Gillette offer exceptional functionality in this regard, allowing you to fine-tune the length you would like your pubic hair trimmed to.
Note that some men, whether they're into male grooming or not, chafe more than others. If this applies to you, then consider applying some petroleum jelly to the affected area before warming up.
Sweat Build-Up

When you exercise for a period of time, even when you are in water, sweat will necessarily start to be deployed by your body to keep you cool. Men sweat at different rates but anyone who is exerting themselves will perspire after a while.
This can be an issue if you've got a male intimate grooming regime that means more of your skin is exposed. If you have recently shaved your pubes, for example, then your skin might not have recovered sufficiently.
When shaving your pubes, use a cleanser or moisturiser afterwards rather than an alcohol-based aftershave and leave it for at least a few hours before working up a sweat.

Sweating can also lead to a build-up of dead skin cells around the groin. If you style your pubic hair or shave them regularly, then playing sport can lead to problems associated with personal hygiene. Obviously, you should shower and wash your genitals by hand with products designed for the pubic area after every sporting session.
In addition, consider an exfoliating scrub when you shower before shaving or trimming your pubes. This will help to prevent the ongoing build-up of dead skin and make it easier for you to groom.
On the subject of hygiene, never share your razor blades with anyone else. Don't use your face-shaving razor, either. Instead, opt for one that's dedicated to the job, such as the Gillette INTIMATE™ pubic hair razor, for instance.

Finally, you should prioritise comfort whether you're a professional or an amateur sportsman. Give yourself as much time as possible between a male intimate grooming session and your next sporting session, ideally the day before.
Make sure you shave with plenty of prep to help prevent scratching or nicking yourself. Only use sharp blades and apply a liberal amount of moisturiser to help relieve you from feeling itchy afterwards.
Shower after you have groomed your pubes to ensure cut hairs are washed away and then towel yourself dry by hand.
Avoid talc and tight-fitting underwear, too. When you proceed to your sporting activity, wearing a kit made from breathable materials will also help to ensure you remain comfortable and, therefore, focused on your chosen sporting activity.

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